lunes, 24 de diciembre de 2012


After having done our research and our interview, we have discuss the strong and weak points of our methodological design.

First of all, our weak points about the topic and the narrator are that we should have proved in a better way if our narrator was going to be useful and informative about the topic, with these, we mean that we had to make sure we could interview our narrator because he lives far away( in Andalucía) and when we were going to interview him, he become sick and it was impossible for us to do it.

Secondly, we haven´t found any difficulties for preparing the interview, we look in Internet, books and the stories that his family told us. We didn´t want and statistical information and we focused our interview in a close view of the crisis.

About the point of interviewing and transcribing we want to remark that we should have make sure that we could do it face to face, as we said before, our narrator lives far away and the second one, his daughter, lives in Germany.
At the end we had to interview his daughter, but we had to do it by phone, so it wasn´t as personal as it should.

To continue with, we have organized very well, each member of the group made the part in which she was better and then we all shared with the other members

Finally, although we have had some problems for managing to do the interview, we have known how to solve them in a proper way , such as, interviewing his daughter.

miércoles, 5 de diciembre de 2012


The man who appears in this photograph is our narrator, he is called Antonio Roldán Bazán.
  1. How did you feel when you had to go alone from Spain and leave everything you had here?
  2. Why did you choose Germany, and not another country?
  3. How did appear the idea of going to Germany?
  4. What was the situation, feelings or thoughts you had when you were in Germany and could not communicate with your family?
  5. You went to Germany to get money to support your family, is this correct? Did you have to work hard? In what kind of jobs did you have to work?
  6. Where there a lot of differences between the social and economic context of Spain and the one of Germany?
  7. When you arrived to Germany what did you do? How did you manage to get a place to live? How did you get a job without knowing the language?
  8.  Was hard to learn German? Did you give classes or did you have any help or support?
  9. Did you go alone or with a friend or acquaintance?
  10. When you took your family to Germany, did you have any fixed place to live?
  11. What it difficult for your family to adapt to this big change? How did they live this situation? (Especially the fact that their father left them) Did your wife start to work when oyu went away? Or was she already working when you leaved?

We have wanted to make these questions because they seem interesting and important regarding his experience, we also think that they have some relation to the information that we read previously, so some of these questions are based on articles that we see. Also there is a relationship between many of the questions, as they are come from one another. For example:

  • The question number 2 (Why did you choose Germany, and not another country?) it grab our attention know why he chose Germany and not France or Switzerland if they were also developed countries.

  • The question number 6 (Where there a lot of Differences Between the Social and Economic context of Spain and the one of Germany?) we think that it is important do him this question, because the situation was totally different in our country and in Germany, due to the crisis that we had in Spain in those moments.

viernes, 23 de noviembre de 2012


As we have said in the previous entry, this migration phenomenon happened between approximately 1960-1980. Our project is going to be focused on the year 1977, year in which our narrator decided to emigrate to Germany.

He was not the only who decided to leave this country. During the 70´s a massive amount of people from Andalucia decided to emigrate as a consequence of the economic crisis that Spain was undergoing.

In order to learn more about the topic we have chosen, we have looked up both some web sites, and a book named "Cultura Andaluza."
If the event that we would find some more data could be used looking up some other sources such as news, documentaries ... We will add it later on.

During Franco´s dictatorship, an  autarkic economy totalitarism was promoted, based Andalusian's agriculture. A desindustrialization as going on  so only a small percentage (18,96%) of the Spanish society was devoted to the secondary economic sector in 1960 and this is the reason why the backwardness of this area was consolidated. This huge underdevelopment caused the need of the population to emigrate to other countries. This is reflected by the poet Rafael Alberti in his songs of John Baker:

"Este es el pueblo andaluz,
Serio, puro y desgarrado,
En las tierras de la luz.
Tristes pájaros que van
Bajo los soles quemados,
Sin sueño, en busca de pan.

Que van más lejos, a fuera,
Dejando el hogar en llanto,
Solos, a tierra extranjera."

At the middle 50´s it was clear enough that Franco´s autarkic system of Franco had failed, taking as a reference that huge crisis that was taking place in Spain and which made the improvement completely impossible. In 1957 the Government promoted a Stabilization Plan, from this movement, starts a period of "development" which would make an improvement on the socio-economic structures with respect to the previous periods. With regards to Andalucía the economic changes affected the promotion of the region as a tourist destination and this was as a result of the Development Plans which promoted some sort of  industrialization. Although during those years,the economic crisis was cut down, in 1975 a massive amount of people continued emigrating from Andalucia.

France, Germany and Switzerland were the places chosen by the emigrants due to the lack of manpower this place were undergoing. With regards to Spain, almost all  these years of emigration people went to these three countries, and the regions from which most emigrants departed because of their rural socio-economic backwardness in those moments where, specifically, Andalucia, Castilla-La Mancha and Extremadura.

martes, 6 de noviembre de 2012

Emigration from Spain

1. Group members
  • Marta Lanero Hernández
  • Helena Díez Martínez
  • Mª José Cano Lombardero

2.  Topic or event to be studied

Why people from Andalucía emigrated to Germany during the 1970/1980.
It is an interesting topic because it had consequences for Spain and also for the families who lived in this country and those who had gone outside.

Most of the people, who had to emigrate because of the crisis of our country, did it because it was the only way they could earn some money and help their families. Spain was in a completely decay while other countries demanded people and work for their factories and so on.

3. Interviewee, including rationale for choosing him/her

Grand parents that gone because they couldn´t stay in Spain, they had to support their famlilies as a consequences of the crisis.

Our narrator is not a really close relative, but it is enough for getting the information we want. It is Helena´s boyfriend grandfather (Helena is a member of our group). His name is Antonio Roldán Bazán, we have chosen him because he was one of the plenty of people who leaved Andalucía (Spain) and emigrated to countries like Germany, in his case, specifically to Frankfurt as a result of the crisis that Spain was suffering in those years (70-80s) in all the country, but more deeply in the less developed areas such as Andalucía.

4. Secondary sources
  • Internet
  • Books
  • Newspaper library
  • Documentaries
  • Other people